Your Guide to: Travelling Costa Rica Coast to Coast |


Your Guide to: Travelling Costa Rica Coast to Coast 

Why Go?

Costa Rica may cover just 0.03% of the world’s landmass, but it is home to an impressive 5% of the planet’s biodiversity. This means that one out of every 20 animal species on Earth can be found in Costa Rica. This remarkable fact is just one of the many reasons why visiting Costa Rica is an experience that will be cherished!

Embark on an exhilarating 250km journey across one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet, traveling from the Pacific to the Caribbean by mountain bike, on foot, by raft, and kayak. This adventure is more than just a physical challenge; it’s a deep dive into the ecological wonders of Costa Rica. Along the way, you’ll encounter exotic wildlife, traverse lush rainforests, climb majestic mountains, and navigate exciting rivers. Experience the raw, unspoiled beauty of nature and the warm hospitality of local communities on this unforgettable adventure.


Benefits of Small Group Travel

Small group travel enchances your overall experience in this biodiverse paradise and with remote communities. Travelling with a small group enables more personalised and flexible itineraries, allowing you to stop and chat with locals while cycling, observe coffee bean harvesting during trekking through rural farmlands, or the local way of life whilst in a small village at the end of the day. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie and shared adventure, making it easier to connect with your fellow adventure buddies. Plus smaller groups can access remote and less-visited areas, providing a more intimate and immersive encounter with Costa Rica’s stunning landscapes and chances to witness exotic wildlife. Additionally, it ensures a lower environmental impact, aligning perfectly with the sustainable travel ethos that both Costa Rica and Adventurous Ewe champions.

When to Go

The ideal times to undertake this coast-to-coast challenge are during Costa Rica’s dry season from December to April. This period boasts plenty of sunshine, making it an ideal time for wildlife-spotting and your adventures activities of cycling, hiking, kayaking and white water rafting. Here at Adventurous Ewe we also like to offer other times of the year to experience this incredible country and help support local communities throughout the year. Please see below what you can expect during the months that we visit:

January is typically warm and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 27-29°C during the day and the low 22-24°C at night. Coastal areas tend to be more humid, while the central valley has a more mild climate. January is considered thedry season in many parts of the country, although rain is still possible in some regions.

February weather is generally similar to January, with warm and humid conditions prevailing throughout the country. The dry season continues in most parts, although some areas may experience occasional rain showers. Overall, February is a great time to visit if you wish to enjoy warm and tropical weather.

March is warm and humid, with average temperatures ranging from the 27-30°C during the day and 22-24°C at night. This is the transition period between the dry season and the rainy season, so some parts of the country may experience occasional rain showers, while other areas remain relatively dry. Coastal regions tend to be more humid, while the central valley has a milder climate.

April sees the shift to the start of the rainy season in many parts of the country. Average temperatures range from 27-30°C during the day and 22-24°C at night. Coastal regions tend to be more humid. Rain is more frequent in April, especially in the afternoons, so you should be prepared for some wet weather. However, it is still possible to have sunny and warm days as well.

May is warm and humid, with average temperatures similar to April. This is the heart of the rainy season in many parts of the country, so you should expect frequent rain, especially in the afternoons. Despite the rain, May is the best time to visit Costa Rica if you enjoy lush and green landscapes.

June, July & August mark the peak of the rainy season in many parts of the country, bringing very heavy rains. Consequently, we suspend our Coast to Coast adventure during these months for safety reasons, particularly concerning the white-water rafting. Also, keep in mind that July and August are typical holiday months for European travellers, which attracts higher prices and more crowds.


September marks the transition between the rainy season and the dry season. This means that you can expect a mix of sunny and warm days, as well as occasional rain showers. Average temperatures range from 27-30°C during the day and 22-24°C at night. September is a great time to visit if you enjoy warm and tropical weather and are not bothered by the occasional rain shower. Plus September and October offer an abundance of gorgeous green foliage to match the ever exciting animal encounters.

October is the beginning of the dry season, which is the best times to visit many parts of the country, as you can expect sunny and warm weather, with occasional rain showers. Plus you’re visiting just before the high season which usually starts in December.

November is the heart of the dry season in many parts of the country, so expect mostly sunny and warm weather, with occasional rain showers. Just like October, this is a perfect month to avoid the crowds that are coming in in December.

December expect mostly sunny and warm weather, with occasional rain showers. December can be a great time to visit Costa Rica if you enjoy warm and tropical weather, as well as for outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking, kayaking, rafting, surfing, and wildlife viewing. This is a peak travel season.

Join Expert Local Guides

Our expert local guides provide invaluable insight and knowledge, enhancing your coast to coast journey with their deep understanding of the region’s biodiversity, culture, and history. Their expertise allows you to discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path locations that you might otherwise miss. Fluent in both English and Spanish, our guides facilitate meaningful interactions with local communities and ensure a smooth, enriching and safe journey. Their passion for Costa Rica’s natural beauty and commitment to sustainable tourism make them the perfect companions for your adventure.

Meet Juan Carlos (pictured below), one of our exceptional local guides! Born and bred in Costa Rica, JC has been leading multi-sport expeditions for over 15 years. With specialised training in swift water rescue, he is renowned as one of the best river and all-around guides in the country. Chief Ewe, Jim, and JC go back a long way and they share a great friendship. JC has an infectious smile and his passion and enthusiasm knows no bounds when it comes to guiding thrilling and informative expeditions across Costa Rica.

Our Insider Scoop

Our Costa Rica Coast to Coast journey, which we have been operating for many years, offers an insider’s perspective, revealing the hidden gems and local secrets of this breathtakingly diverse country. Here’s a few of the many highlights of this adventure:

  1. Wildlife Encounters in Manuel Antonio National Park: Spot sloths and monkeys in their natural habitat, a vibrant ecosystem where the forest meets the ocean.
  2. Thrilling Pacuare River Rafting: Navigate through deep gorges and pristine jungles, reminiscent of an Indiana Jones adventure, where every paddle stroke leads you deeper into the heart of Costa Rica.
  3. Cross the Continental Divide: Experience the awe-inspiring moment of crossing this geographical marvel by bike, marking your passage from one coast to another amidst breathtaking vistas.
  4. Pristine Jungle Camping at El Nido del Tigre: Spend two nights under a canopy of stars, surrounded by the serene sounds of the jungle, only accessible by white-water rafting.
  5. Celebratory Finish in the Caribbean: Conclude your epic journey with celebrations upon arriving at Caribbean Sea by kayak, with amazing wildlife spotting opportunities enroute.


Top Tips for a Great Adventure

  1. Prepare Physically: Engage in pre-trip training to ensure you’re ready for biking, hiking, and rafting. Being fit will help you enjoy the adventure and meet its physical demands.
  2. Pack Smart: Bring lightweight, quick-drying clothing, sturdy footwear, a good hat, and plenty of sunscreen. Don’t forget a waterproof jacket for sudden tropical rains.
  3. Stay Hydrated: The tropical climate can be intense, so drink plenty of water throughout your activities to stay hydrated and energised.
  4. Embrace the Pura Vida Spirit: Adopt the local “pura vida” attitude – relax, enjoy, and be open to new experiences and the natural beauty around you.
  5. Respect Wildlife: Costa Rica is home to incredible biodiversity. Observe wildlife from a distance and never feed or disturb animals in their natural habitat.
  6. Learn Basic Spanish: Knowing a few basic Spanish phrases can enhance your interactions with locals and show respect for their culture.
  7. Protect Against Insects: Use insect repellent to protect against mosquitoes, especially in jungle areas, to ensure a comfortable trip.
  8. Be Eco-Conscious: Costa Rica prides itself on its sustainability efforts. Follow eco-friendly practices, such as minimising waste and supporting local conservation efforts.
  9. Plan for Connectivity: Wi-Fi can be limited in remote areas. Let your loved ones know that you might be off the grid at times and enjoy the digital detox.
  10. Stay Flexible: Be prepared for sudden changes in weather or itinerary adjustments. Flexibility will help you make the most of unexpected opportunities and challenges.

Detailed Itinerary

  • Days 1-2: Arrival in San José and transfer to Quepos. Explore Manuel Antonio National Park.
  • Days 3-4: Begin the physical journey with mountain biking and trekking from the Pacific coast into the heart of Costa Rica.
  • Days 5-6: Ascend to the Continental Divide and descend into the lush Orosi Valley. Continue through diverse ecosystems on bike and foot.
  • Days 7-8: Tackle white-water rafting on the Pacuare River, and enjoy a rest day at El Nido del Tigre.
  • Days 9-10: Complete the rafting journey and transition to kayaking, finishing at the Caribbean coast.
  • Days 11-12: Return to San José and depart for home, filled with stories and memories of an extraordinary adventure.

250km Distances Breakdown

To provide a clear picture of the distances covered using your own self-propelled power, we’ve detailed them below. Note that rest or travel days are not included in this summary:

  • Day 3: Pacific Coast to Naranjillo – Mountain Biking 25km + Trekking 14km
  • Day 4: Naranjillo to Santa Maria – Trekking 12km + Biking 14km
  • Day 5: Orosi Valley – Mountain Biking 46km
  • Day 6: Taus – Mountain Biking 9km + Trekking 15km
  • Day 7: Pacuare River – Mountain Biking 43km + Whitewater Rafting 10km
  • Day 9: Pacuare River – Rafting 20km
  • Day 10: Caribbean Coast – Mountain Biking 26km + Kayaking 12km

Let’s go

Travelling Costa Rica Coast to Coast with Adventurous Ewe is more than just an adventure; it’s an extraordinary journey that immerses you in the heart of one of the world’s most biodiverse countries. From conquering rugged terrains on a bike to navigating serene rivers by kayak, each moment is a testament to the beauty and diversity of Costa Rica. With our expert local guides, you’ll uncover hidden gems, immerse yourself in vibrant cultures, and challenge yourself in ways you never thought possible. This trip is special because it’s not just about reaching a destination, but about the incredible journey and the people you’ll meet along the way. Join us for an adventure that will inspire, motivate, and remind you of the extraordinary world we live in. Your adventure awaits!

Ready to power through this remarkable landscape under your own steam? Check out our Costa Rica Coast to Coast Adventure or simply get in touch. Jim and Sue are fortunate enough to have completed this journey several times so are best placed to answer any questions and provide plenty of advice to ensure your journey is the best it can be for you.